What Ethos Young Leaders means to me

Alice James
Ethos Young Leaders is a fantastic opportunity for me to grow my skill set and employability, whilst working on projects that help provide a positive change for society. Having left university early, I felt extremely lost and lacked direction. Getting a position at Ethos has been a blessing and a great sense of guidance that I really needed. Experiencing such a friendly, productive and inclusive environment here has highlighted the importance of gratification in the workplace. I believe that this is the future of work and how every job should be. Too many people spend the majority of their lives in a profession that they despise and dread; surely this has to change? I have really enjoyed my research work for early stage projects InDependability and Ethos Community Cohesion because I want to see everyone treated with equality and respect. The positive reactions I have had from partners so far have really built my confidence.

Alice James