What Ethos Young Leaders means to me

Emily Thornhill
I joined Ethos Young Leaders with a plan to succeed at working from home by structuring my day around achieving individual goals. The opportunity to do this proves to me that I personally thrive off of working in this way. My work with Aspect magazine is becoming really exciting! I am part of the social media, marketing and networking team. As well as this, I am also preparing some cyanotypes I created last summer to be included in the ‘Bloom’ issue of the zine. This will be the second piece of my photography work to be featured, as I have recently finished writing a photo essay on the importance of green spaces to sit alongside some of my images. For Ethos, I continue to be part of the social media and marketing team and repost all important notices and updates from the other ventures I am involved with - which includes Team Police and Sardines Digital Engagement! Since joining Ethos, I have been offered a full time job in a Crown Court, but I turned it down because I realised it was not something I feel passionate about. Instead, I have decided to supplement my Ethos Kickstart salary with part time shift work at a local business. My aim is to be super prepared for any task.

Emily Thornhill