What Ethos Young Leaders means to me

Serena Haththotuwa
I joined Ethos VO with my own business idea. Over the past five months it has developed into what is now aspect magazine. We created Aspect with the hope that it will be a platform to share stories and experiences about various social, cultural and environmental issues - creating discourse and change in society. Without the Young Leader community and Ethos I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to create this publication with such a creative, like-minded group of people. On a personal level, I have developed a lot of my managing, communication and leadership skills in the role of Editor-in-chief. After graduating from an Msci International Relations degree, I found it difficult to get work and always felt that I was trying to fit into very rigid work roles. It has been a pleasure working in a more unconventional way at Ethos, working in a way more natural to myself and feeling like my work is meaningful. This is what the Young Leaders programme has given me and I’m very grateful for it!

Serena Haththotuwa