Robert Pye


Ethos was founded in 1999 to explore flat and networked-structured organisations. After some brief pauses back to the corporate world (2002 Capita to Thales 2010) I returned as co-founder of Ethos along with Annabelle and Tony.

For nearly 15 years we have been finding ways to support social-entrepreneurs to develop sustainable organisations which foster people and planet wellbeing. We’ve largely done this by providing a stipend/basic income and a shared “work” platform.

Some of the more famous ones include as well as Skillsplanner, Building Pathways, BuildLondon, Noggin, Bayline, Open Data parking and many more.

From 2024, we decided to focus exclusively on building a global ecosystem of community projects to scale this basic income approach via private wealth holders who realise that a sustainable future of work, the future of the planet and our natural environment will not come about by scaling what we have done in the past and expecting a different result.

This project and my life’s passion is called The Commons Fund.

A sustainable future is hiding in plain sight. We just need to open our eyes!