Here’s The Value Exchange Podcast – episode #1
Only 24 years in the making! A better way to work.
We’ve been working for the last 24 years on creating a work system that could address most, if not all, of the issues raised in this article Five Ways to Strengthen the Employee-Employer Relationship in 2023 and it has been all about putting people back at the centre of their engagement with their work.
Bayline sensor platform now offers live usage for all
Image by Kemal ATLIOur work continues at Bayline as we look to make best use of the live occupancy...
Bayline IoT sensor trial gives insights into use of Sutton green spaces
Image by Kemal ATLIAt Bayline, now we have lockdown restrictions firmly behind us, we’re helping...
Bayline IoT sensor trial proves reliability and offers insights into parking issues in Sutton
Image by Garry KnightAs part of the South London Partnership InnOvaTe Project, at Bayline we’ve...
Young Leaders experience working with Get Berkshire Active
Get Berkshire Active is one of a network of forty-three Active Partnerships (APs) across England,...
Our Young Leaders Wellbeing Programme
As an organisation that is primarily centred around people, Ethos strongly values the wellbeing of...
Ethos Wilder: Birdsong Recognition and Analysis using AI
Catherine George is an M.Sc. Data Science student from University of Salford on a hybrid...
Sustainability Scientist Olivia Macky Joins Ethos Wilder Team
We are delighted to welcome volunteer partner, Olivia Macky -...
Two Kickstarters Earn Permanent Roles at Ethos VO
Ethos VO is delighted to announce that two of our Kickstarter Young Leaders, Brendon Morris and...
Ethos / Offsite Alliance Project Review
Offsite Alliance is a membership organisation for the offsite construction industry which has...
Funded programmes June 2022 onwards
I am moved to write this as a blog as I ran out of space on Linked In - which annoys me often!...
Team Ethos/Team Army Has Been ReBranded as Team Forces
We are excited to announce that one of our spin off projects – Team Ethos – will now be known as...
The Voice of Ethos Young Leaders at “Thriving Places for Nature and People” St George’s House
Thanks to Young Leaders, Ethos’ innovative work experience programme, the voice of youth will be...
Ethos Young Leaders join forces with Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit
Ethos has entered into partnership with Thames Valley Police Violence Reduction Unit (TVVRU) to...